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4D Coin Marketplace - Exploring New Transactions
The 4D Coin Marketplace is an integrated platform specifically designed to facilitate the trading of NFTs. It's an exclusive space where users can buy, sell, rent, and lease NFTs, contributing to the unique dynamics and economy of the 4D world.
This is the central location for all transactions related to user-created NFTs. From exclusive NFTs to mixed reality items, everything can be transacted within our Marketplace. Each NFT has its own market value, creating a dynamic and ever-evolving environment filled with opportunities for participants.
Users have the possibility to list their own NFTs for sale or rent. This means that NFTs acquired or earned during your journey in the 4D World can be converted into tokens, helping you progress faster and explore further within the new universe.
Furthermore, integration with existing networks allows the purchase of 4D Coins with other cryptocurrencies, enabling transactions across the network. Subsequently, users can exchange their 4D Coins for their local currencies, expanding the possibilities for usage and access to transactions in the real world.
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